Sunday, 2 February 2025

End of the month report - January 2025

Total portfolio: £143471 (+7329)

Here we are at the beginning of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Let's see:
Debt: 359 (+156)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £154936 (+11668)
Investments UK: £103046 (+10136)
Investments overseas: £1981 (same)
Cash: £12894 (+1233)
Pension: £36392 (+985)

Passive income: £794 (27.61%)
Savings rate: 27.61%

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 2.90
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £760(All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 19.63% completed (generated $285 this month)
Across - 38% completed (generated $218.50 this month)
Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 20% completed
Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 15.49% completed
Cash 20K - 64% completed

Crypto kept going up, with a £10.000 increase. The plan for this year is to double my cash reserves up to 20K and increase my 2 Shares accounts slowly, when possible. other than that, the two crypto projects that I want to increase to generate more returns are still up for 2025. I paid all the debts in full, but I made some new ones, as I bought some Huel drinks for a 3 months experiment, to improve my health. Live healthier, for longer, seems to be the idea, and I already lost 8 kg, with all my blood tests looking good for now.

Other than that, debts went a bit up as I paid for accommodation for 2 short and one long holiday, one flight and one bus trip for two. Not excessively, though. Crypto went up, and I am slowly building 2 share accounts of 10K each, to start with. Good news, seems that I can get my private pension early, in 2035, £4000 per year/ 333 per month. Need to provide the rest somehow. The cash reserve needs to double this year, somehow.

I wish you a profitable well-planned year!

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