Saturday, 30 November 2024

End of the month report - November 2024

Total portfolio: £136142 (+24875)

Here we are at the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Let's see:

Debt: 200 (-304)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £135942 (+25179)
Investments UK: £86519 (+21070)
Investments overseas: £1981 (same)
Cash: £12000 (+416)
Pension: £35018 (+535)

Passive income: £687 (21.83%)
Savings rate: 14.30%

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0.07
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £651 (All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 16.68% completed (generated $247 this month)
Across - 40% completed (generated $227 this month)
Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17.91% completed
Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 13.80% completed
Cash 10K - 100% completed

Not a bad month, with the main boost from crypto, as most of my portfolio is in there for now. I got a £25.000 increase for now, so the time to get some rewards transferred into the bank account is here. Other than that, I did get a wage increase of 2%, I think, but the good part is that they have paid us retroactively since April 2024, so I had an extra 600 from there. I did pay 304 of my debts, with £200 left, so most probably I will end this year debt-free. I have reached £10K in savings for this year, but I am working to make it at least 20K by next year. Besides that, this will be an expensive month, as I had to pay for some stuff for one 50s birthday, like a pub venue, balloons and photo booth, DJ and such. We are organizing a big birthday party in the middle of December. I will focus on making the two shares account to reach £10K too. Somehow. I may have lined up some agency work, especially for this reason.

Wish you a happy new year!


Saturday, 2 November 2024

End of the month report - October 2024

Total portfolio: £111267 (+2712)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 504 (-196)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £110763 (+2908)
Investments UK: £65449 (+4407)
Investments overseas : £1981 (+566)
Cash: £11584 (+1166) 
Pension: £34483 (+591)

Passive income: £1512 (45%)
Savings rate: 30.70% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £1512(All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 16.50% completed (generated $189 this month)

Across - 34.25% completed (generated $1105 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17.60% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 12.90% completed

Cash 10K - 100% completed

Not a bad month, with small efforts, but often, as I got some savings on both my bank accounts £200 on one, £250 on another, and I sent £600 to settle an old debt. Next two months, a different story as I need to make a party for my wife (a big round number) and buy a new phone, all while I am saving a bit still. The Emergency cash savings account is completed now, as I start to put some money into shares, while I am still trying to get Hive and Across increasing. Did got my interest on Across, with the next harvest programmed for June 2025. I may go next for the Freetrade 10K in Shares, as a plan B. 

Wish you a good year!

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

End of the month report - September 2024

 Total portfolio: £108555 (+5856)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 700 (-200)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £107855 (+6056)

Investments UK: £61042 (+2904)
Investments overseas : £1415 (0)
Cash: £11584 (+1166) 
Pension: £33892 (+787)

Passive income: £1390 (41%)
Savings rate: 16.20% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 3.69
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £1353(All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 16.22% completed (generated $120 this month)

Across - 31.60% completed (generated $324 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17.70% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 11.80% completed

Cash 10K - 96.30% completed

Not a bad month, with small efforts, but often, as I got some savings on both my bank accounts £200 on one, £250 on another, and I sent £100 on the shares portfolio. While some of the increase is due to the crypto value going up, I did had some $616 coming from some forgotten investment, and I did got some extra cash on my wages thanks to the August bank holiday. Overall, my net worth added 6K more to the total. 

Wish you a good year!

Friday, 30 August 2024

End of the month report - August 2024

 Total portfolio: £102699 (-11163)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 900 (-215)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £101799 (-10948)

Investments UK: £68927 (-1248)
Investments overseas : £1415 (0)
Cash: £10418 (+28) 
Pension: £33105 (+598)

Passive income: £630(25%)
Savings rate: 10% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £551(All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£50

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 16% completed (generated $120 this month)

Across - 32% completed (generated $324 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17.40% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10.80% completed

Cash 10K - 93.50% completed

A big drop of around £10948 due to the crypto portfolio, as everything went down lately in value. But the shares are recovering, and hopefully the crypto will follow soon. I am close to get the desired £10K in cash savings. Other than that, I am increasing some crypto portfolios now when is cheap to buy, hopefully to convert it later in shares money when they go up. A medium risk move, but they still bring a decent profit every month in interest. 

Wish you a good year!

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

End of the month report - July 2024

Total portfolio: £113862 (-633)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt:1115 (-275)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £112747 (-358)

Investments UK: £68927 (-1248)
Investments overseas : £1415 (0)
Cash: £10390 (+590) 
Pension: £32507 (+25)

Passive income: £792 (53%)
Savings rate: 16.80% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 3
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £741(All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 14.72% completed (generated $226 this month)

Across - 37% completed (generated $257 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17.40% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10.80% completed

Cash 10K - 90% completed

A moderate drop of around £2K due to the crypto value drop.Other than that, the worst month in terms of profits, after January, showing that the economy crisis is not over yet. Roialties are down to almost nothing lately. But we must go on, again and again. I am very close to reach the 10K savings for emergency cash fund. In the next two months it may be done. Then I go for some shares. 2 accounts of 10K each, until the end of 2025, as the plan goes for now. 

Wish you a good year!

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

End of the month report June 2024

Total portfolio: £114495 (-9078)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt:1390 (+1390)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £113105 (-10468)

Investments UK: £70175 (-10403)
Investments overseas : £1415 (0)
Cash: £9800 (+300) 
Pension: £32481 (+1025)

Passive income: £2107 (53%)
Savings rate: 11% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £2045 (All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 14% completed (generated $160 this month)

Across - 37% completed (generated $257 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 18% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10% completed

Cash 10K - 95% completed

A sharp drop of around £10K, 9000 due to the crypto value drop, and 1390 from Paypal, as I paid for a holiday, planning to pay in 3 instalments over the next 3 months. Other than that, second worst month in terms of profits, after January, showing that the economy crisis is not over yet. My secret plans bumped up nicely, 3% for Across, 2% for Hive, if this would be maintenable, I will be alright in just 2 years. But I hope to do it even in 3, I would not mind. 

Wish you a good year!

Saturday, 1 June 2024

End of the month report May 2024

 Total portfolio: £123573 (+8460)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt:0 (-225)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £123573 (+8686)

Investments UK: £80578 (+5787)
Investments overseas : £1415 (+1009)
Cash: £9500 (+1200) 
Pension: £31456 (+459)

Passive income: £3648 (66%)
Savings rate: 25% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £3622 (All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 12.70% completed (generated $196 this month)

Across - 34% completed (generated $408 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10% completed

Cash 10K - 95% completed

Wish you a good year!

Friday, 3 May 2024

End of the month report - April 2024

 Total portfolio: £115113 (-15660)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 225 (+225)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £114887 (-15886)

Investments UK: £74785 (-15525)
Investments overseas : £406 (zero)
Cash: £8300 (-200) 
Pension: £30997 (+63)

Passive income: £2387 (56%)
Savings rate: 11% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 2.27
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £2387 (All my funds invested in crypto were recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 12.54% completed (generated $196 this month)

Across - 24% completed (generated $408 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10% completed

Cash 10K - 83% completed

Wish you a good year!

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

End of the month report March 2024

Total portfolio: £130773 (+15039)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 0 (-1049)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £130773 (+16088)

Investments UK: £90310 (+12179)
Investments overseas : £406 (+3)
Cash: £8500 (+1427) 
Pension: £30934 (+1700)

Passive income: £2600 (59%)
Savings rate: 1% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 2.27
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £2600 (All my funds invested in crypto we're recovered)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

So, I know, savings rate is 1% as I did not save a lot this month, but I did paid a £1300 debt on Paypal from the last travel to Spain, so now I am once again on Zero Debts. Other than that, crypto performed quite well in March, as I managed to send some to the bank, to pay my Paypal debt, recovering all the funds that I initially invested in the process. Invested a bit in the Hive project though, and Across liquidity provider funds increased slightly, but the profit generated monthly is better than the previous month. Still, I am pushing to increase both of them, reinvesting for now, in order to reach my critical target. Creating a £10K emergency fund is still a priority, now that I finished with the major expenses. 

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 12.36% completed (generated $265 this month)

Across - 27% completed (generated $473 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 17% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10% completed

Cash 10K - 85% completed

Wish you a good year!

Friday, 1 March 2024

February 2024 - end of the month report

  Total portfolio: £115734 (+19967)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 1049 (+749)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £114685 (+19430)

Investments UK: £78131 (+17820)
Investments overseas : £403 (+0)
Cash: £77073 (-270) 
Pension: £29234 (+153)

Passive income: £2987 (62%)
Savings rate: 35.4% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0.18
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £2977 (Total funds still invested in crypto:1900)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Debt went a bit up as I temporarily used Paypal to buy some hotel/plane tickets for the next trip to Spain. They will be covered mostly by the end of March. I do have the money, but they are in a term deposit expiring around 20th of March. Can't lose the interest, isn't it? A net worth increase due to Bitcoin and other crypto going up, I used the opportunity to send another £1700 to my bank, so now I have some 78K crypto and only £1900 to recover from the initial investment. As I have some extra expenses, I plan to send some more funds to the bank. Increased my Freetrade account value to 1K, and next on the list is to add another £400 to the AJ Bell shares account, to bring it up to 2K, as I want slowly this year to have 10K in Shares on each of my two accounts. Still, my first priority is to build back the 10K Cash emergency fund.

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 10.90% completed (generated $178 this month)

Across - 25% completed (generated $173.50 this month)

Shares Account no.1 AJ Bell 10K - 16% completed

Shares Account no.2 Freetrade 10K- 10% completed

Cash 10K - 70% completed

Wish you a good year!

Thursday, 1 February 2024

January 2024 - end of the month report

 Total portfolio: £95767 (+30244)

Here we are the end of the year, checking the numbers. How am I doing? Lets see:

Debt: 300 (-212)
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £91417 95255 (+13573)

Investments UK: £59267 59411 (+12022)
Investments overseas : £403 (+14)
Cash: £7343 6811 (+307) 
Pension: £29081 28533 (+1156)

Passive income: £1497 (43.65%)
Savings rate: 11.5% 

Side hustle 2 profit (Royalties): £ 0.36
Side hustle 3 profit (Match betting): £0
Side hustle 4 value (Crypto): £1497 (Total funds still invested in crypto:3600)
Side hustle 5 profit (Focus groups): £0
Side hustle 6 profit (Internet):£0

Crypto bull market started, and I am planning to redirect some funds toward shares and funds, to have some real money available, just in case. My main decrease in investments is from crypto, and a bit from pension and shares. I am also planing to raise the bar, making 10K available in cash at any moment, up from the 6.5K that I got now. Still have a small debt of £300 as I bought some flight tickets on Paypal, but I plan to pay 300 in February and finish with it (they got some 3 months no interest deal I think). Trying to do some rudimentary plan, and this is what I got:

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 9.74% completed

Across - 8.48% completed

Shares Account no.1 - 16.40% completed

Shares Account no.2 - 8.50% completed

Cash - 73.43% completed

Wish you a good end of the year!