Friday, 18 September 2015

FinCon 2015

What a list, my friends, what a list!
Just take a look here and you will see:

For those who do not know, FinCon is a peer conference for the money media community. At the annual event each Fall, this is what they do:

- attendees connect with others in the community,
- learn to create, promote, and profit from compelling online content, and
- discover new trends in personal finance and investing.

Originally called the Financial Blogger Conference, the event was shortened to simply “FinCon” to reflect changes to the scope of the attendees.

Their Mission: “To support the movement that is reaching millions of people with a positive money message.”

My only problem? Is happening right not in U.S. What about it, my British friends, shall we do something like this in UK? Even if it is on a much smaller scale?


  1. Hello

    On a much smaller scale, Huw from has organised two meetings in the UK with UK bloggers and is trying to organise a third. All pretty casual but great to be able to talk to other people who are looking for FI or to retire early.

    Good luck with your blog.

  2. I've seen posts about the second one. I will try to come to the third if i know early enough to take my days off. I do not know anyone with similar interests in real life.
