Tuesday, 8 October 2019

September 2019 - end of the month report

Total portfolio: £30112 (+887)
Debt: ZERO
External funds: ZERO
Car: No
Net Worth: £30112 (+887)

Investments UK: £23363 (+117)
Investments overseas : £4510 (same)
Cash: £2242
Pension: £13047 (+642)

Total Income: £1491 (main job)+180 (second job) + 454 (probably) = 2125
Passive income: £454 (21%)
Savings rate: 10.35%

Side hustle 2 value: £0.03
Side hustle 3 value: £ 388 (June and July)
Side hustle 4 value: £1899 (Funds spent:5067)
Side hustle 5 value: £66

The holiday season is coming back with a bite, but i decided that i would gift us with some fine experiences so here we are. First holiday was not that expensive (8 days in Turkey in September with a bit over £800 spent for the two of us, with a potential big saving in the future - wedding dresses made to order for much less than in UK). Second holiday to follow in November (Around £1000 in flights and accomodation on the route London-Budapest-Dubai-Bucharest-London for 15 days). After this potentially we need to save some money for the incoming wedding, so we will not have too many expenses for the next 12-14 months. There are also some plans for a promotion at work and a mortgage for the property number 2 for rent. About the rest of my plans, crypto are still going wildly up and down, so i stopped most of the stuff related to them at the moment, lazy match betting goes as usual and internet income is still under £100 per month.

See you soon!