Sunday 4 December 2016

One year health plan - month 6

Motto: All the wealth in the world worth nothing for you, if you are not healthy.
(Financial freedom wizards manual)

Weight: 81.80 kg (2.2 kg less than 30 days before - 85 kg) at 1.80 m (5'9'') Aiming for 81 kg and 19% body fat on 1st of January.
Body fat: 20%  (4% less)
BMR (basic metabolic rate) = 1818 kcal
PAL (physical activity level) = 1.375
Energy requirement daily = 2499 kcal
BMI = 25.8

So, a decrease of 500 kcal per day should be sustainable if i eat enough fruit and veg.

1. Body
- Yoga techniques (postures, breathing and meditation) 25 sessions - 83%
- Running or other kind of training - 12 sessions -100%

2. Diet
- A 70% plant based diet (with a twist of 70% alkaline food daily), no chemicals, less sugar, better hydration (300 ml water every 3 hours when possible) - I achieve this 80% of the time, i would say.
- One day a week - 24 hour fasting - did it 4 times in November. I was slightly decreased the sugary and caffeine rich foods and drinks this monh

3. Mind
- Mindfulness techniques aka meditation: 27 times - 90%
- Brain boosting supplements - For the this month i tried: Omega 3, Magnesium, Ginseng and Ginkgo biloba solution, My herbal remedies (but for the herbal treatments i did it completely only 25% of the time).

Physical training - I did some serious running, but not much of other kind of training. I injured my food in the last day of the month, probably when I was running, so i stopped training in the first week of December
Diet - Was better than November, with less caffeine and maybe slightly less sugar.
Mind - I am getting better, but one mold infested wall will somehow phase me out creating problems to my breathing and rest. Sleep was better in November.

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